Late-night snacking fail

I’d love to blame it on the alcohol as Jamie Fox likes to say, but alas I have nobody to blame but myself. Did so well yesterday, came home from work and had a little veggie burger with avocado on top. I’m not one for presentation.

Followed it up with some Healthy Choice tomato basil soup. But then, after 2 white sangrias out, I came home and ate pita chips…followed by pretzel crisps at 11pm. Grr. What makes it worse is today I weighed myself. Friday is supposed to be my scale day but I do it at the gym and tomorrow I’m off so instead I went in there today. Didn’t.Lose.A.Pound. Suck! I even exercised out before work this morning with a 1 & 1/2 mile run (in gross, humid heat) and 20 lunges. I figured I’d ask my PT guy if he thinks I’ve gained muscle from our sessions. He said after 6 weeks I’d definitely be stronger but probably wouldn’t have any pounds of muscle added. So I said, “you mean I can’t blame my weight gain on getting muscle?” He laughed and said, “I thought that’s where you were going with that.” Bummer.

Right now I’m eating one of my famous salads.

Friends, I need help! Should I try Weight Watchers again? How can I lose weight, even just a few pounds??

8 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. hundredtenpounds
    Jul 08, 2010 @ 14:30:38

    What was the fail? Was it the crackers? Or the avocado thing? It doesn’t look like you “failed” too badly. It’s not like you ate a box of cookies or a carton of ice cream. Don’t beat yourself up. Start counting points/calories and get back on track! 🙂


  2. kelli
    Jul 08, 2010 @ 14:36:30

    I’m no expert…& I think ya look great..but here’s what I have found that works for me..
    I don’t eat past 8pm
    I try to eat an earlier dinner, if possible & I usually make sure dinner is my lightest meal of the day.
    I switch up my training… I’m a dvd kind of a gal..just because I can fit it in whenever I get a chance..but I also run.
    I feel your pain, I just ran my 2nd half 2 weekends ago and I am up about 2 pounds…bummer.
    Good luck!!!


  3. Amy @ Second City Randomness
    Jul 08, 2010 @ 15:02:59

    I would estimate calories… don’t get too crazy with it- just estimate (being ocd about things such as this will most likely lead to disaster).

    And I like filling up on veggies. A huge serving of broccoli or what not as part of your meal goes a loooong way and often gets me through the afternoon/evening without much of a problem…

    Don’t worry! Just stick with it. The majority of the battle is turning healthy habits into an actual lifestyle. Once you’re there, you’re golden!


  4. Fit Chick in the City
    Jul 08, 2010 @ 15:21:48

    Late night snacking is a big enemy of mine. If your think you weight watchers is the answer then I say go for it. Otherwise, maybe just try to stick with a calorie goal and base it on activity for that day.


  5. Beth
    Jul 08, 2010 @ 16:53:23

    I think WW is definitely the answer if it’s worked for you in the past. I just went back to counting points recently and starting losing weight again after 6 months of staying the same/small gains. Tried and true.


  6. Kerrie @ Mom vs. Marathon
    Jul 08, 2010 @ 23:21:50

    I wish I had an answer for you! But I feel like you do, which you know. So that’s why I started counting points again. I’m doing it on my own; you could try that, too. I’ll send you my excel sheet if you want it. It’s not fancy and I’m adjusting it as I go, but it’s working for the time being.


  7. Holly @ Rust Belt Runner
    Jul 09, 2010 @ 11:09:06

    Hmm. I think calorie counting could make you go crazy. You don’t want food to control your life.

    I think it’s the booze and the crackers. Have you switched to whole-grains? I swear when I removed all refined carbs from my diet I automatically lost 3 pounds. (Pita chips & pretzels = refined carb)

    It’s still a calories in vs. calories burned thing. Like if your Sangria had say 200 calories you would need to run 2 miles to burn it off. You would then maintain your weight if you eat normal. If you want to drink Sangria and lose weight you would need to run MORE than 2 miles to lose any weight.

    Hope that helps and doesn’t sound like preaching. I love me some wine but only sparingly!


  8. gobarefooting
    Jul 10, 2010 @ 02:27:40

    I’ve been a trainer and running coach for over 13 years and I have some ideas but I’d need more information. Feel free to shoot me an email and I’ll be happy to try and help you out. I enjoy reading about your adventures so it’s the least I could do.


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